Independent Schools
A number of independent schools have already left the Teachers Pension Scheme due to rising costs. With schools dealing with uncertain future liabilities many others are likely to follow to protect their finances.
Complete the short form today to see how we can help you find the best defined contribution and employee benefits scheme for your staff and school.
The APTIS Scheme (Aviva Pension Trust for Independent Schools) is a low cost off the peg pension that offers up to 36 funds ranging in cost from 0.32% to 1.24% per annum* and is often chosen as the default scheme for schools leaving the Teachers Pension Scheme.
However, did you know that you don’t have to use this arrangement and at similar costs there are possibly more suitable arrangements that are available for your staff and school?
We can help you weigh up all the facts and decide whether the APTIS or a Group Personal Pension will be more appropriate for your school.
As well as providing advice to the school, we’ll also help your staff to understand their new scheme and benefits.
If they need more assistance, we can offer the staff advice on fund selection the new pension that matches their risk tolerances and if required keep them under review.
We work on fixed fees to provide your school with unbiased advice on pension scheme suitability and implementation.
Please be aware that if your school plans to follow the hybrid model you should be prepared for significant additional costs for legal advice and financial advice.
*Fund range and costs accurate from APTIS Charges Document October 2021