Here’s what happens next.
There are some important documents that you’ll want to download that explain our Terms of Engagement and how we process your personal information.
We don’t charge any advice or brokers fees for residential mortgages or remortgages but we do charge an advice fee of £295 on application for buy to let, second property or holiday home mortgages.
We don’t sell your private information to third parties and we will only pass information to third parties with your consent – for example if we are obtaining mortgage illustrations or submitting business on your behalf.
Terms of Engagement 01 10 2022
The meeting is scheduled for 45 minutes and it would be helpful but not essential to complete a mortgage financial questionnaire before the meeting.
Mortgage Questionnaire 01 11 20
If your finances are joint with a spouse or partner and you expect to be buying a property either jointly or in your sole name information for both parties will still be required.
If you are unable to make this meeting, please try to give us as much notice as possible to either cancel or reschedule. Deliberately providing false information for a mortgage application is fraud and you risk prosecution.