If you are just starting in the teaching profession, then you will also be new to your pension. The Teachers’ Pension Scheme offers support to those starting in the scheme. They call this Pension PlanIt, and fully support the online guide with images of rockets and aliens. The guide aims to cut through the dull and boring chatter about pensions – and give everything an NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher) could need to understand what it means to be part of the pension scheme.
Not only can you watch online videos, hosted by James, but you can also follow Pension PlanIt on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You will also find handy calculators to help you work out your contributions and your benefits once you retire.
As we are all expected to plan for our retirement earlier and earlier, this is a welcome guide to your occupational pension scheme.
The content in this article was correct on 19th May 2019. You should not rely on this article to make important financial decisions. Teachers Financial Planning offers advice on the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. Please use the contact form below to arrange an informal chat with an advisor and see how we can help you.