A review is to take place to gather evidence which can be used to examine the impact on teachers of working longer and identify potential mitigating actions.
Discussions have taken place as part of the programme of talks between the Department for Education and teacher trade unions on policy implementation. Following this, the Secretary of State for Education commissioned a review into the impacts on health and deployment of teachers working longer due to the increase in normal pension age (NPA) in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.
The review aims to gather evidence which will be used to investigate the impact on teachers of working longer, as well as to identify potential mitigating options. Evidence could also inform future reviews into State Pension Age (SPA) and the link between SPA and NPA.
The review involved the Department for Education (DfE), employers and teacher trade unions and began in October 2014.
The review will consider evidence on the impact of working longer hours and how any identified issues could be tackled, as well as the employment practices that could support teachers working longer.
Participation in the review does not mean agreement with changes to NPA for teachers, or for wider pension reforms.
Further information on the Teachers Working Longer Review can be found at: www.gov.uk/government/groups/teachers-working-longer-review-group
The Department for Education are looking for evidence to support this review, please click here for further details.
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