A period of ill-health is scary on a personal level and leaves you worrying about your finances. You could qualify for ill-health retirement. However, you will be expected to provide supporting medical evidence. This might feel like a step too far when you are struggling with your health, and you may wish to seek the support of your union representative.
The Teachers’ Pension Scheme assumes that if your medical condition is considered severe enough to incapacitate you from teaching then you are likely under the care of a specialist. If you are under a specialist, then this professional expert will be able to provide you with all the evidence you need to complete your application. However, if fees are incurred in the pursuit of this evidence, costs will be covered by you or your employer.
Once you have completed the appropriate forms and submitted these to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, then they will be assessed by medical advisors. It is the scheme’s medical advisors that will make a recommendation based on the evidence provided. Therefore, you must review evidence before it is sent to the scheme, even if the form is to be submitted by an employer.
Your application may be rejected. At this point, the medical advisor will suggest further treatments that should be explored before additional applications are made. You are responsible for providing comprehensive evidence. Therefore, if the treatments recommended have already been explored, then you will need to reapply.
The evidence should demonstrate that you have a recognised medical condition, that you have completed all reasonable treatment, you will probably not improve, and you are likely rendered entirely incapable of teaching in full or part-time capacity until your Normal Pension Age.
The content in this article was correct on 12th September 2019. You should not rely on this article to make important financial decisions. Teachers Financial Planning offers advice on pensions for teachers and non-teachers. Please use the contact form below to arrange an informal chat with an advisor and see how we can help you.